Saturday 12 June 2010

ill ill ill ohh god's pants anime why why

'ill ill ill ohh god's pants anime why why' i said my dog anime was just sick all over me!!! god he really is mad and I'm ill :( ive got flu and its a school day so Eden can't even come around :( Ive got to go now so bye xxxx yours

Marcy xxxxx

Friday 11 June 2010

GOD I hate her part 2

i walked into my room i was covered in water 'i hate her GOD i hate her' i said looking at Eden 'what happened??' Eden asked 'SHE said SHE wanted too go to the loo so i tuck her when SHE put on the tap SHE went and instead of putting the tap on SHE jumped into the bath and put on the shower and splatted me with it :S' i said.....

Eden's gone now and Ive not changed yet I'm still sloping wet so ive gtg (got to go) byee xxx yours

marcy xxxxxxx


hi I'm Eden I'm filling in for Marcy while she looks after Lizzy she said i should just write something anything... so i will i love you Marcy tawn diler bye for now love

Eden xxxx

10 minutes later

HI sorry i had to get the door... my boyfriends name is Eden faith i love love love love love love love times 100000000000000000000 love him mums going out now so i have to look after lizzy or the devil so byeee xxxxxx yours

marcy xxxxx


hi i just need to screem something OMG I HAVE A BOY FRIEND!!!! Got to go now xxx

yours Marcy xxxxxx

Thursday 10 June 2010

so sleepy

I'm sleepy so sleepy but i cant sleep I'm so tired my head sill hurts from where cards dug his claws in... its 11:00 pm and I'm watching the simpsons movie on my laptop I'm going to try to sleep now so bye for to day xxxxxxx yours

Marcy xxx

bord bord bord kitten cards get off my head!!!

i sat down on the sofa I'm Bord Bord Bord kitten cards get off my head!!! kitten cards is my very very mad cat i have a cat and a dog my dog is called anime he is more than mad anyway cards just jumped on my head and dug his claws in hard!!! :S i really think he is mad he just jumped on me for nothing!!!! i need to go and mend my head now so byeeee xxx xxx yours

Marcy xx xxx